Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner & Coach. 
Founder of States of Mind.

Angie Towse

I became fascinated by hypnotherapy after I experienced Long COVID. Debilitating at times it left me powerless and frustrated.

Thankfully I discovered the Lightning Process which, built on the foundations of Hypnotherapy & NLP, transformed my life in just 3 days. Not only was I rid of Long COVID, everything in my life was transformed as if a lid had been lifted. 

This personal experience along with my subsequent clinical training from Dr Phil Parker at Diploma and Advanced Masters level, has gained me incredible expertise and knowledge which I now use to help others overcome their own issues.

Iā€™m fascinated by what hypnotherapy can do. and having gone through my own struggle, I now love being in a position to do transform others.

Previous career credentials: Event Marketer at Google PLC,  Corporate Comms at music company Chrysalis, freelance Music PR for various global projects, before founding & Directing Culture Communications Agency The Rest Is Noise.