Hypnotherapy with
neuro linguistic programming
& Coaching

States of mind

Angie Towse

Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner & Coach.

About Angie

Hypnotherapy in a modern era

Hypnotherapy is a hugely transformative approach that has helped so many people in so many ways; physically, emotionally, professionally.

Whatever it is that you’ve been living with in your life that’s no longer useful, and you feel truly ready to fix this and move on I’ll help you make that change.

Creating lasting change -

Creating lasting change -

“I’m continually amazed by what hypnotherapy can do. having used it to resolve my own struggle with long covid, I now love being in a position to transform others.”

Angie Towse

Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner & Coach.

About Angie

Hypnotherapy & Nlp Is About How The Brain & Body Communicate And The Part Language Plays In It.

What is hypnotherapy?

In hypnotherapy, we are very much dealing with the unconscious mind. We can think about the mind as separate two systems, the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. The conscious tends to be a bit more sceptical, more cautious, asks more questions, and might procrastinate. The unconscious mind is much more open, direct and takes things more literally. In this sense, the unconscious mind holds the key to making the change we want in our lives.

By getting really, deeply relaxed, we’re able to quiet the conscious mind enough, so that we can bypass it and speak directly to the unconscious mind to deliver a more clear and updated message, as well as listening to what it needs to say. Sometimes we even talk about a niggling thought or feeling, or that voice in the back of our mind. This is the part of the unconscious mind we are looking to reach, so that we can resolve any issues it has and install some new, more useful responses. This new behaviour and way of being then feels much more aligned with our true selves, creating much better states of mind.

What is NLP?

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming, is about the connection between the brain and the rest of the body. The brain sends messages to all areas of the body telling it how to respond and behave in each situation. These behaviours then start to show up automatically, which in time form patterns and pathways, ‘neural pathways’. For example when we think about brushing our teeth, locking the door, tying our shoelaces; for most people these will be pretty automatic functions that make everyday life easier.

BUT occasionally, this can start to work the other way too. Throughout our lives, the brain and body also create markers and flags in response to areas of concern, danger, uncertainty etc. Whilst these can certainly be useful, sometimes easy mistakes are made and flags are put in place in the wrong areas. These can then get stuck in a bit of an echo forming a more negative loop, leaving us feeling powerless to be able to move on from this and change it.

How can this help me?

The amazing thing about the brain is that it is malleable and incredibly easy to disrupt and change these patterns. Even if they feel like they’ve become ‘part of us’, or ‘just who we are’ or ‘something we have to live with’. We all have the power to change and move on in the way we really want to. And believe it or not, we actually have everything we already need - you have all the resources to behave and respond exactly how you want, it’s just about connecting them together.
About the processes

Why States of mind?

States Of Minds brings hypnotherapy into a modern era. Treating modern issues and making change around: physical and mental health, grief, loss, relationships, allergies, food intolerances. Vastly improving important areas of our lives such as public speaking, stage performance, overall confidence in any and all areas of our lives, as well as health, fitness and food goals.

You already have everything you need.

You have all the resources to behave and respond exactly how you want, now it’s about connecting them together.